Thursday, February 12, 2009

Random thoughts

Here's the first in what's sure to be a series of random thought posts.

You know what I miss? Peanut Butter. I love peanut butter. Seriously, every so often I just get a big ol' tablespoon of peanut butter and eat it. Not no more. All this salmonella stuff that's goin' on has me just a tad nervous to buy any. So I'm using what I have left. And I'm kinda scared to open the last jar I bought. Got it right when all this stuff started. I just read a headline on CNN that said it was caused by rat crap and carcass's. And that's just gross. You know what would taste awesome right about now? Peanut butter fudge.

Another thing is buggin' me. I read an article today about underage drinking here in my home state. Now in Georgia, it's legal for parents to give their underage kids an alchoholic beverage in their own home. There are a few other states where this is legal as well. However, nationwide underage binge drinking is becoming a more and more serious problem. Why is that happening? Mostly, because parents are morons. The article focused on a case in a little town called Powder Springs where a young man was given alchohol by his friends' parents to an excess, and then the kid was allowed to drive home. He hit another car on the way and was killed. A tragic loss for his family, his friends, and the comunity. All of which could have been avoided if the kid, his buddies, and especially the parents had used some common sense. Don't drink and drive. Kids here it from grade school up. But maybe the parents should be reminded too.

Last subject; cool thing about our bodies. Our skin color, hair color, and eye color are all controlled by the same chemical, melanin. The particular shades of your coloring -including freckles, tans, salt-and-pepper hair, and eyes that change color- are all determined by what type of malanin your body produces and how much of it it makes. So, for example, dark skinned people obviously have more melanin in their skin, which makes it more likely that their hair and eyes will also be dark. But it's more likely for eye color to be different because it's produced differently than skin and hair. Have you ever known anyone who's eyes seem to change color depending on what they wear or when you look at them? It's because they have light gray eyes! It's a mixture of slightly more or less melanin production and optical illusion. Whatever color they're surrounded by, they're eyes seem to take on that hue a bit more. Green and blue colorings seem to be the most common, although shades of brown and even hazel have been noticed.

That ends the random thoughts for today. Y'all come back now.

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